Laboratory +389 75 273 752
Polyclinic +389 76 273 746
Location: 29 November 21
Tetovo 1220, N.Macedonia
Mon - Fri: 7.00am - 8.00pm
Saturday: 8.00am - 4.00pm


What is Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

What is CMV? • Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a virus that can be detected in people of any age.• A healthy immune system usually prevents the virus from causing illness.• Some babies born with CMV may have health problems at birth, or these may develop later. Signs and SymptomsMost people with CMV do not show signs or symptoms and are unaware that they have been infected. Sometimes the infection may cause mild illnesses such as:• Fever• Sore throat• Fatigue• Swollen glands• Occasional...
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Parvovirus infection – Symptoms & causes

Parvovirus B19 Infection with parvovirus B19 is usually mild, and the symptoms often include a rash on the cheeks, known as “slapped cheek” rash in children, and joint pain in adults. Complications may arise in people with underlying blood disorders or a weakened immune system. Infection early during pregnancy may increase the risk of miscarriage. OverviewParvovirus B19 infection typically does not cause symptoms or causes mild illness, such as flu-like symptoms, rashes, and joint pa...
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Sequencing (Exome/Genome/Trio)

Sequencing (Exome/Genome/Trio) This technique is applied in the healthcare sector to identify genetic variations and is used in research. Many of the mutations known to cause diseases occur in exomes. Exome sequencing is considered an effective technique for identifying mutations that cause diseases. Ongoing examination of exomic and genomic sequences will assist in the diagnosis of diseases in the future. Additionally, this method helps determine whether new genetic variations are associated wi...
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Polyomaviruses: Overview and BK Virus

Polyomaviruses are a family of viruses that are widely spread and species-specific, classified under the Papovaviridae family. Two of the most common polyomaviruses in humans, the BK virus and JC virus, were first identified in the 1970s. Many people encounter these viruses during childhood, typically leading to mild diseases. However, in individuals with weakened immune systems, these viruses, when reactivated or acquired, are associated with various clinical conditions. BK Virus and Its Clinic...
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Noninvasive prenatal testing – BabySEQ

BabySEQ evaluates chromosomal disorders in babies and chromosomal abnormalities in the placenta, while also screening and reporting on developmental delays in the baby, preeclampsia during pregnancy, and other pregnancy-related risks....
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Keep Calm and Research On How to separate hype from fact in biomedical research

Certainly, drinking alcohol can incur some risks, especially if those consuming alcohol are also engaging in risky behaviors which often correlate with drinking, such as...
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No Cough, No Problem? Medication Concerns and COVID-19 Symptoms in Older Adults

We have heard a lot about the symptoms of COVID-19, mostly telling us to look out for a dry cough and shortness of breath. However, older adults often present differently...
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