Laboratory +389 75 273 752
Polyclinic +389 76 273 746
Location: 29 November 21
Tetovo 1220, N.Macedonia
Mon - Fri: 7.00am - 8.00pm
Saturday: 8.00am - 4.00pm


IgG food reactions can take hours or days to develop, making difficult to determine which food is responsible for the reaction without doing testing fast and specific way.
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Organic acids are a broad class of compounds formed during fundamental metabolic processes in the body. Metabolic reactions produce these compounds from the digestion of dietary protein, fat, and carbohydrates. The resulting organic acids are used by the body to generate cellular energy and provide many of the building blocks necessary for cell function.

Organic Acids is a nutrition test that requires a first morning void (FMV) urine collection to measure organic acids. The report includes personalized micronutrient recommendations for vitamin and mineral cofactors as well as digestive support recommendations based on a patient’s individual biochemical metabolism.
is both a blood and urine test that evaluates over 125 biomarkers and assesses the body’s functional need for 40 antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, digestive support, and other select nutrients. Personalized recommendations for nutrients are determined by using an algorithm based on the patient’s test findings.

The Bloodspot Amino Acids 20 Profile is a finger-stick amino acid test that can uncover problems in amino acid absorption and metabolism by determining amino acid imbalances in the nine essential amino acids, four conditionally essential amino acids, and seven additional amino acids.

An expanded panel of essential, conditionally essential amino acids, and non-essential amino acids provides clinical utility and supports the development of personalized treatments. A formula for a customized amino-acid blend is provided with each report, offering suggested replacement amounts based on test

What We Do?

An expanded panel of essential, conditionally essential amino acids, and non-essential amino acids provides clinical utility and supports the development of personalized treatments. A formula for a customized amino-acid blend is provided with each report, offering suggested replacement amounts based on test results.

Investigations Price List

Umbilical Cord Appearance
Cardiac Electrophysiology
Repositioning Techniques
Geriatric Neurology
Nuclear Cardiology
Neurocritical Care

Treatments Price List

Allergy testing
Cardiac Ablation
Holter monitoring

Supporting Our Communities to Build Positive, Safe & Clear Patient Focused Culture.

The purpose of assessing and accrediting laboratories is to evaluate and ensure compliance with established standards, identify areas of excellence and to provide recommendations for improvement.

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Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry. Our doctors will receive or return any urgent calls.

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