Laboratory +389 75 273 752
Polyclinic +389 76 273 746
Location: 29 November 21
Tetovo 1220, N.Macedonia
Mon - Fri: 7.00am - 8.00pm
Saturday: 8.00am - 4.00pm


Polyomaviruses: Overview and BK Virus

Polyomaviruses are a family of viruses that are widely spread and species-specific, classified under the Papovaviridae family. Two of the most common polyomaviruses in humans, the BK virus and JC virus, were first identified in the 1970s. Many people encounter these viruses during childhood, typically leading to mild diseases. However, in individuals with weakened immune systems, these viruses, when reactivated or acquired, are associated with various clinical conditions. BK Virus and Its Clinic...
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No Cough, No Problem? Medication Concerns and COVID-19 Symptoms in Older Adults

We have heard a lot about the symptoms of COVID-19, mostly telling us to look out for a dry cough and shortness of breath. However, older adults often present differently...
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